Community Service Club

Distinguished Officers Award                                        Distinguished Club Award
Allie Romano-Dailey, President                                     Shamryn Coyle, Principal  


Allie has received the K-Kids Distinguished Officers Award.  She is one of 9 officers who received this award out of 1,414 K-Kids Clubs around the world (20 Countries & Geographic Areas).
She showed throughout the year tremendous dedication to community service in our community.  Allie has outstanding leadership skills and has led the Kiwanis Club of Lincoln Foothills K-Kids Club at Carlin C. Coppin Elementary School to receive the honor of K-Kids Distinguished Club Award.  Thirty-four clubs received this award out of 1,414 clubs (20 Countries & Geographic Areas).
Her caring attitude and spirit has lead this club to participate in eight community service projects within our community.  K-Kids made Peanut & Jelly Sandwiches for the Salt Mine, Blankets for the Needy, Food Baskets for Thanksgiving, Holiday Cards for the Assisted Living Home, Trauma Dolls and Craft Kits for Children in Hospitals and more.
Allie is very proud of her award.  The K-Kids were very happy for Allie.  They too recognize the amount of hours Allie has contributed to the success of K-Kids Community Service.