President's Message

Patti Covey
Fellow Lincoln Foothills Kiwanians,
Our club has had a busy fall doing what we do best. Working together as friends to serve the youth of our community.
We held our annual Safety Awareness Day at Scott Leaman Elementary School. Bob Day and his team showed up to allow the children to learn all aspects of being safe.
We continue to work in the schools on Sight Word Busters and Project Cornerstone. Our board has authorized funds to send a group of Phoenix High School students to leadership training at Disneyland.
Carol Judd has been working with all the Title 1 school principals to help support their student leadership programs.
We had so much fun supporting a Harvest Festival at First Street Elementary School. Our club members volunteered to purchase, cook, transport and serve 500 hot dogs and fixings to the school families. We had over 14 members show up to serve the hot dogs. It was such fun to see the children and their families in their Halloween costumes having a fun family evening.
We also supported a graduation ceremony for parents at First Street School who attended training for navigating their children through school from elementary through high school.
And of course, we held our second annual Step Up For Kids Luncheon and Fashion Show Extravaganza. Shirley Raiman and her team (including our husbands) put on a fabulous sold-out event. The significant funds made will help us to continue with our programs to help our youth.
Going forward we will continue to explore opportunities for children that they would not normally be exposed to.
I’d like to wish happy holidays to you and your families. I hope you can join us as we toast our accomplishments at our holiday party on December 8th at 4:00 pm at Citizen Vine in Lincoln.
We are a club with heart and together we can do great things.
